Supporting you through health visiting

If you're a resident of Enfield, our health visitors are there to support you and your child as they begin to grow.

What we offer

Our health visitors will be in touch with you at various stages of your pregnancy and after your baby is born. This includes: 

  • During your pregnancy at 28-32 weeks 
  • Between 10-14 day of baby’s birth
  • Six-eight weeks after your baby's birth
  • When your child turns one. This will be a developmental review by a health visitor or early years practitioner
  • When your child turns two. This will be a developmental review by a health visitor or early years practitioner 
  • School Readiness

Our health visitors are part of our 0-19 service covering Enfield, and work in four teams. Each team is based at a health centre in the local community.

Your health visitor can help you with anything you are concerned about:

  • your health
  • your child's health
  • your family's health
  • postnatal depression
  • and all the usual things that you might want help and advice on with a new baby, including feeding, sleeping, crying, minor ailments, and when to see a doctor.

Your health visitor will also monitor your baby's development, and weigh and measure your baby. Your health visitor will record visits in your child's personal health record book - this may be your 'red book', or an electronic version, called an 'e-red book'.

Your health visitor will also record their name and contact details in your red book, so you know how to contact them and when you can see them, and how to get help if they are not available.

Every family with a child 0-5 years that lives in Enfield will be allocated health visitor. Anyone can refer to our service, GP, Midwife, schools, parents can refer themselves by contacting your Health Visiting Team by phone requesting a home visit or telephone contact.

Well baby clinics

Our Health visitors run healthy Child Clinic's, which parents/carers can attend without an appointment, where you can come and speak to a health visitor and get support/advise around the health and wellbeing of you and your baby.

The clinics are run on a drop in basis, running in your local community site, family hubs ,  in libraries , youth centres, children centres.  (you will find this information in the front of your Red Book).

You can attend any healthy Child Clinic in the borough which is best suited to the time and location to you.


Contact our health visitors

  • Moorfieds: 020 3988 7300
  • Forest Green: 020 3988 7300
  • Highlands: 020 3988 7300
  • Bowes: 020 3988 7300

Maternity Voices Partnership - have your voice heard

Maternity voices partnership

What is an MVP?

Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) Is an independent advisory body.

A team of women/birthing people and their families, commissioners and providers (midwives and doctors) working together to review and contribute to the development of local maternity care.

What North Middlesex MVP does?

North Middlesex Maternity voices partnership aims to ensure the voice of women/birthing people and families are at the heart of all decisions about maternity care and their views  are taken into account in all aspects of maternity services.

  • We run focus groups on specific maternity themes, to build an accurate picture of Women/birthing people & Family’s experiences and needs.
  • We listen to & gather feedback from local communities (especially seldom heard voices).
  • We ‘Walk the Patch’ and do the ‘15 steps’ challenge.
  • We attend local, regional & national events to network and ensure Women/birthing people and Family’s voices are always heard.

How Can I get involved?

There are several ways to get involved with NMUH MVP to share your personal experiences, raise an issue or to become a service user representative.

Email Fatima Kermanifar (chair)

Or get in touch through one of our social media pages:

Find out more about National Maternity Voices

BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) vaccines

In the UK, like many other countries, BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) vaccine is offered to babies who are likely to come into contact with someone with tuberculosis (TB). 

This includes babies who live in an area with high rates of TB or babies with parents or grandparents from a country with high rates of TB. The number of people with TB in London has fallen year on year for the last 8 years.

All babies born at the North Mid will receive their BCG from their health visitor. 

Postnatal depression and anxiety - spot the signs

Postnatal depression is a type of depression that many parents experience after having a baby. It’s a common problem, affecting 1 in every 7 people who give birth, within a year of giving birth. It can also affect fathers and partners.

You may experience on-going symptoms such as:

  • low mood, sadness and tearfulness
  • anxiety, worry and tension
  • feeling overly tired, tearful and irritable
  • difficult or unexpected feelings towards your baby
  • poor sleep even when your baby sleeps well
  • feeling unable to cope or enjoy anything
  • thoughts that you are not a good enough parent
  • worrying thoughts about your baby
  • feelings of hopelessness
  • struggling to come to terms with a difficult birth.

It’s important to seek help so speak with your GP or Health Visitor as soon as possible if you think you might be depressed.

Do not struggle alone hoping that the problem will go away.

Join our breastfeeding cafe

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic our virtual and face to face support must be pre-booked.

Our breastfeeding café provides infant feeding support for residents of Haringey.

Virtual sessions

We have a weekly video drop in on Tuesdays between 10-11am.

Email: to request a virtual pre-registration link.

Face to face bookings

Sign up on Eventbrite

Get in touch with Adele Houldsworth, Specialist Health Visitor 

Email Adele